
Board of Directors

羅世宏 (董事長)/中正大學傳播系教授
Shih-Hung LO(Chairman) 
Professor, Department of Communication & Graduate Institute of Telecommunications

陳炳宏 /國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播所教授
Ping-Hung Chen 
Professor, Department of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University

馮建三 /國立政治大學新聞系教授
Chien-San Feng
Professor, Department of Journalism, National Chengchi University

洪貞玲 / 國立台灣大學新聞研究所教授兼所長
Chen-ling Hung
Professor and Director , Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University

Wen-Li Yeh
Chairman, dentsu

邱家宜 / 卓越新聞獎基金會執行長
Chia-Yi Chiu
CEO,The Foundation for Excellent Journalism Award

周宇修 / 謙眾國際法律事務所律師、資深顧問
Yu-Shiou(Clarence) Chou
Attorney-at-Law / Senior Counsel, Chen & Chou Law Firm

黃哲斌 / 天下雜誌編輯顧問
Dennis Huang
Editorial Consultant , CommonWealth Magazine

黃兆徽 / 台灣人工智慧實驗室內容執行長
Chao-Hwei Hwang
CEO,  Taiwan AI Lab
